Shoulder Procedures

There are a wide range of shoulder procedures that can help you get back in action. Let me explain…

Open ACJ Stabilisation | Shoulder Joint Stabilisation in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Open ACJ Stabilisation.

Proximal Humerus Fixation | Shoulder Fracture Treatment in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Humerus Fracture Fixation.

Clavicle Fracture Fixation | Shoulder Surgery in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Clavicle Fracture Fixation.

Shoulder Replacement |  Shoulder Treatment in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Shoulder Replacement.

Bone Transport Procedure |  |  Shoulder Procedures in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Bone Transport Procedures.

Arthroscopic Shoulder Stabilisation | Shoulder Treatments in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Arthroscopic Stabilisation.

Arthroscopic Subacromial decompression and ACJ Excision | | Shoulder Treatments in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Arthroscopic Subacromial decompression & ACJ Excision.

Arthroscopic Capsular Release | Shoulder Treatments in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Arthroscopic Capsular Release & Manipulation

Arthroscopic Excision of Calcium | Shoulder Treatments in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Arthroscopic Excision of Calcium.

Rotator Cuff Repair | Shoulder Treatments in Bournemouth and Poole, Dorset

Rotator Cuff Repair.